The Flow Specialist

I, Regina Woods DeCarlo, am here for you to support you as you learn and grow.

I have specialties in Finance, Reiki, and Aquatics that I love and wish to share with you, creating the space for you too to flow toward your intentions.

I do not always have the answers to all of life’s challenges and that is ok!
I now know I simply need to settle myself, connect to my inner being, and allow myself to flow to the next possible step, and that brings me to the next step and the next. 

About Regina

I have always been drawn to the beach and water, an aqua baby from the beginning.

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Reiki is a gentle yet powerful system of energy- based healing and spiritual growth practices...

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Out of my passion for swimming, I became certified first as a swim instructor...

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I love making order out of disorder, no financial "mess" is too big for me to clear and organize...

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Master Usui, the founder of Reiki, always emphasized "that there is nothing that we need to learn, we know it all already, and yet by attuning to Reiki and other teachings, we are reminding ourselves that we have everything we need to heal ourselves."

I love this message and will teach you what I know about Reiki, Aquatic movement, and Financial Flow to remind you on a physical, emotional, and intellectual level so that your soul remembers your essence!

I so look forward to hearing from you!

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