My Journey To Becoming a Flow Specialist

I have always been drawn to the beach and water, an aqua baby from the beginning. I love all the sensations as my feet walk across the sand, crunching along the way. I remember the excitement in having the contrast of the sand between my fingers as I made my sand castle cakes for my “bakery” that people bought for seashells. The beach has always been my happy place, the place that I feel safe and free at the same time.

When I feel both the sand and water at my feet, all my senses come alive! Swimming underwater has always been my favorite when I can explore on my own and feel the deep compression of the water to my muscles and let my mind be free. The joy I feel when my toes dig in the sand under the water, feeling their way to clams, was and always is my favorite form of meditation. Out in the water for hours, moving my feet, finding the treasure I was looking for and diving in to pull it out. This could be used as a metaphor for life, first grounding into ourselves and earth, exploring and creating from within, and then finding the answers or steps for the next actions that we wish to take….finding the flow from within…

It was a call from my heart when I first decided to “work” in the water. I am a lifelong learner, and the next natural step after leaving a lucrative position as an analyst in the financial world was to be at home to spend more time with my children. And yet, at home, my heart yearned for more. One of my favorite days with them was their swim lessons days, I watched their bodies relax and have fun. I soon became a swim teacher to share my love for the water and teach ways that allowed others to be free and move.

I felt this relief also when I received bodywork for the first time a flow and openness in my body. So, in addition to learning aquatic movement, I started educating myself in bodywork modalities to help to raise me and my family. Initially, I took classes in Cranial Sacral Therapy and my analytical mind interfered with absorbing the knowledge. I felt the energy flow through me and yet I told myself that was impossible. I wondered, “if I know I feel, why do I doubt myself, why can I not simply allow the feeling of openness to wash over me?”

When I learned Reiki, the energy flowed automatically and my mind eased! This was a first for me outside of the water that I felt so fully connected and alive. I started using Reiki in all aspects of my life in my daily activities, in the water, and most especially when sitting down to work in supporting clients in financial paperwork. I started offering sessions and teaching classes. It is an honor to witness the sense of peace wash over a students’ faces when absorbing the wisdom of the Reiki energy integrate within their body.

Having a strong background in analytics with a bachelor's in Economics and German and a Masters's in Management, I have always sought my answers from my mind and sought subjects that allowed me to feel structure. I ignored my emotional, sensitive nature as "too much!" and grounded myself in figuring out the problem intellectually. In other words, my mind was always spinning! Once I incorporated the freedom that I felt in the water, with the energetic awareness I learned through Reiki, did I really learn to use my six senses to create solutions rather than figure out a problem. I realized how powerful it was to use all these areas within me together in synchrony.

~Regina DeCarlo