
Reiki is a gentle yet powerful system of energy-based healing and spiritual growth practices...

...created in the early 1900s in Japan The word “Reiki” us a combination of two Japanese words, “rei”, which means "universal force” or “higher power” and “ki” which means “energy”, so collectively meanings “universal life force energy”.

The Reiki practitioner connects to this divine life force energy and offers the Reiki from the overflow, acting as a conduit for the energy to be shared. Once a person openly receives the energy, the energy flows within his/her body, with the intent of relaxation, opening the possibility of feeling relief and balance from within.

Reiki came into my life as I was seeking to learn more about going within...

...It guided me to learn grounding and centering tools that have changed my life and those that live with me. No longer, do I wake up on “the wrong side of the bed”, yet dedicate myself to morning practice and when my feet hit the ground from my bed, I am in an aligned state, and my day starts off much differently than before. As the day goes on, and I go out into the world, it is sometimes easy to be pulled out of this place, and I have gained the tools to allow myself to reset.

Receiving a session, is a powerful first step and learning Reiki and being attuned to the energy is empowering. Learning Reiki allows a person to practice daily and incorporate Reiki and its benefits in all areas of one’s life. I have been practicing daily self Reiki for 12 years and the benefits have been extraordinary. I like offering and teaching Reiki as it keeps me and the client in the flow of love and healing.

I am certified as a Reiki Master Teacher in the Usui Shiki Reiki Ryoho lineage, and at the Shoden level in both Jikiden Reiki and Shamanic Reiki. 

My greatest joy is teaching others Reiki in Reiki 1 or Reiki 2 classes or the year-long Mastership training. I often hold Reiki circles as an introductory to those wanting to assess the energy for the first time or for those attuned to Reiki wishing to practice.

Description of Reiki Offerings

Reiki Sessions

During a Reiki Session, the Practitioner grounds to the Reiki energy and offers energy from the hands to the client. Most often the recipient feels a sense of relation and well-being. The Reiki energy flows within the client’s body to help support his/her own self-healing process.

A session can take place in person, with the Practitioner standing 6 feet apart or distantly, in the comfort of your own home. 

Distance Reiki Sessions

A perfect alternative to an in person session, and just as effective.  At the set appointment time, Regina and the client will connect on phone/zoom and then a Reiki will be offered.  A client can enjoy from the comfort of you his/her own home, following up with Regina at the end of the session.   

Reiki Classes 

All classes can be held distantly via Zoom or in very small group settings following social distance protocols

Reiki I - a Reiki 1 class for Summer 2024 will be held in the Rivertowns, please email me for more info!

The focus of Reiki I is on self-healing. No prior healing experience is needed. In this workshop you will:

  • be attuned and certified to the first level of Reiki, Shoden
  • learn the Gokai, the Principles of Reiki
  • learn how to practice Reiki self-treatment healing
  • give and receive a Reiki treatment

Reiki II

or The Second Degree Attunement further amplifies one's ability to channel Life Force energy. You will learn ancient symbols that activate particular healing energies, adding to your effectiveness as a Reiki Practitioner.

In this workshop you will learn to work with:

  • the power symbol to intensify the Reiki energy.
  • the mental/emotional healing symbol.
  • the distant healing symbol bridging time and space.

The Mastership program solidifies your knowledge of Reiki and your ability to channel Life Force energy. It is a comprehensive program that will extend over approximately one year.

Reiki Circle

A great opportunity to give and receive Reiki is through the Reiki Circle series. Participants must be attuned to Reiki. The time will allow a guided meditation, group discussion and Reiki healing.   Reiki sessions can be held in person or via Zoom

The Reiki Precepts

Just for today, do not anger.

Just for today, do not worry.

Just for today, be honest in your work.

Just for today, be kind to every living thing.

Just for today, be thankful for your many blessings.

I so look forward to hearing from you!

Contact Me